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Discover How One Practice Member Got Relief From Sciatica Naturally

lady on couch with low back painIf you’ve ever experienced sciatica before, you know how debilitating the pain can be, affecting just about every aspect of daily life. From simple movements to getting restful sleep, the shooting pain and discomfort can make even the smallest tasks feel impossible. For one of our practice members, Dr. Shateena Love, this was a painful reality during the recent holiday season.

From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Dr. Shateena experienced excruciating pain that progressively got worse. Despite multiple urgent care visits, pain shots, and steroids, her condition did not improve. Walking became a struggle, and she knew there had to be a better way to get relief.

Her husband suggested chiropractic care, and Dr. G personally reached out to her with a simple message: “Trust me.” That call changed everything. Dr. Shateena knew she had to give it a try.

The Power of Holistic Healing

When Dr. Shateena arrived at the clinic, she could barely walk and even had to hug the wall for support. Traditional medicine had only offered her temporary relief, but our chiropractors had a different approach—one that focused on healing rather than just pain management.

I finally decided to trust Dr. G and Dr. Jessica to do what they promised. Instead of relying on pain management with opioids, I allowed holistic medicine to heal my body.
Dr. Shateena

With gentle chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy, Dr. Shateena’s body began to heal naturally.

The Role of Decompression Therapy

Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is designed to relieve pressure on the spine and alleviate sciatic nerve pain. Here’s how it works: it gently stretches the spine, creating space between the vertebrae and allowing bulging or herniated discs to retract. This process reduces nerve compression, improves circulation, and promotes the body’s natural healing.

Dr. Shateena’s Story

A Welcoming Environment for Healing

When you’re in pain, you want to feel comforted and truly cared for. That’s what we promise to our practice members at every visit. In addition to the holistic care she received, Dr. Shateena appreciated the warm and welcoming environment at Mustard Seed Chiropractic.

“I highly recommend coming in and allowing Mustard Seed to have your back,” she says.

If you or someone you know is struggling with sciatic pain, chiropractic care and decompression therapy could help you get the relief you need. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. JaGerran or Dr. Jessica!


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